What exactly does Painters Insurance cover? In most cases, your policy begins with what is known as an artist’s policy, or BOP, which covers you for work-related injuries. You may also want additional protection beyond your standard BOP, though often such additional protection is available at a discounted rate and added to your policy.
Some standard benefits that may be included in your BOP are medical payments for injuries, prescriptions, and up to a certain amount of lost earnings. These benefits are usually listed separately from your pain and paint injury claim. However, if you have a lump sum claim for pain and paint damages that would exceed the standard BOP limits, you may need to call your insurance company directly to determine how much your insurance policy will pay for these additional benefits.
One of the benefits that you must have in your self-employed painters insurance coverage is physical damage coverage. This protects you against damage that is both physical and psychological. For example, you might accidentally bump your head on a table and sustain a broken bone.
If this happened to you at your workplace, then your workers’ compensation benefits would cover the cost of your rehabilitation and future medical bills. If, on the other hand, you were working at another person’s home and caused that person to become physically impaired, then your company’s workers’ compensation benefits would pay for the cost of the medical expenses and rehabilitation of the injured worker.
Other types of covered losses are property damage, which will cover the cost of repair to or replacement of physical assets used by the commercial painters. If there is theft of equipment or materials, then loss of profits will also be covered under the provisions of your commercial painter’s insurance policy.
The most common accidents or property losses that occur in the workplace are slip and fall injuries, lighting and electric problems, and chemical spills. These types of incidents will often result in compensation payments.
There are many other risks that you must also think about when choosing commercial painter insurance. In particular, you should keep in mind that problems that are unique to your painting company could cause additional risks and expenses for you.
For example, if you found out that one of your employees was using counterfeit paint and had been risking the possibility of being fired, you run the risk of liability troubles. The insurance coverage for your painting company should consider these risks. In addition, there may be additional benefits that you can avail yourself of.
A great example of risk is auto accidents. Your insurance should provide coverage for damage or injury to auto rental vehicles. Additionally, many insurance companies offer coverage for damages to your personal property, such as computer equipment, furniture, and jewellery.
While it is rare, some painting contractors elect to include the risk of traffic accidents in their auto insurance plans. Therefore, when you decide which painting contractors to use, make sure that they offer this type of additional coverage.